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여기까지 봤는데도 잘 이해가 안되네요.. 커맨드는 대충 무슨역할을 하는지 알겠으니 역시 직접 해보면서 무슨 변화가 생기는지 보면서 나머지 기능도 살펴봅시다!

  1. Fetch and merge changes from the remote
  2. Create a branch to work on a new project feature
  3. Develop the feature on your branch and commit your work
  4. Fetch and merge from the remote again (in case new commits were made while you were working)
  5. Push your branch up to the remote for review

  • 1. A remote is a Git repository that lives outside your Git project folder. Remotes can live on the web, on a shared network or even in a separate folder on your local computer.
  • 2. The Git Collaborative Workflow are steps that enable smooth project development when multiple collaborators are working on the same Git project.

    We also learned the following commands

    • git clone: Creates a local copy of a remote.
    • git remote -v: Lists a Git project's remotes.
    • git fetch: Fetches work from the remote into the local copy.
    • git merge origin/master: Mergesorigin/master into your local branch.
    • git push origin <branch_name>: Pushes a local branch to the origin remote.

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